Canadian Collegiate Rodeo Association

We are looking forward to a successful upcoming Canadian College Rodeo Season.
Based in the Peace Country, We are a strong and growing team representing Northern Lights College. NLC has a lot of support from our community. We offer a full weekly practice schedule, with a team of Coaches behind our athletes.
One of our most exciting features is that NLC offers is the NLC farm house. Students enrolled in post secondary education and who are members of our rodeo team are housed on our agricultural land. This 7 bedroom home is truly a unique feature of our program. An other added bonus is the outdoor arena, complete with roping boxes and indoor barn stalling on site as well.
Northern Lights College with help from Engage Sport North are a group dedicated leaders who’s vision for where this program can go is exciting. We are committed to giving our student athletes every opportunity to succeed not only in the rodeo arena but on continuing their post secondary education.
For more information contact
Leanne Esau | Manager, Athletics and Community Engagement Northern Lights College